Anna O – Matthew Blake

Asleep for four years. Accused of murder. They need to get her awake to face trial. Enter Dr. Prince, a therapist specialising with sleep disorders. His job to wake her up.

This falls into the not to often used area of being factional. The use of fictional material, with fact based truth.

This is a heavyweight book. Referencing a lot of psychological studies and findings. I know this for fact as I checked them myself. Cross referencing some areas.

Its very well researched, and the writing is just as good. It could very easily have got stuck in psycho-babble. The plot and characters are strong and are able to pull you through the harder reading passages. And some do get bogged down with technicalities, all of which are relevant to the story.

This isn’t really something that you can sit down and read in a single sitting. There is just too much going on, and sometimes you just sit down and take everything that is going on, in.

This is well worth the read, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat, right till the very end.

Status: Completed

Rating: 4.9/5.0

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